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Şubat, 2017 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Azureus 32-64 bit Multilingual & Vuze Leap

Bittorrent Client without installation. Download Portable Azureus 32-64 bit (9.5 MB) Download Portable Vuze Leap Online (0.6 MB) 26/02/15 Azureus needs Java Runtime Environment Portable or Installed. Extract and run AzureusPortable or VuzeLeapPortable.exe. Settings of installed Azureus should be preserved.

Registry Workshop 5.0.1 32-64 bit Multilingual

Advanced registry editor without installation. Download Portable RegWorkshop Multilingual (1.1 MB) Extract and run RegWorkshopPortable. 32 or 64 bit selected by launcher. English, Bulgarian, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Korean, Polish, Spanish, Russian, SimpChinese, TradChinese. Settings of installed RegWorkshop should be preserved.